Headteacher Update

An update from Mr Seviour
Welcome back to school! We hope that you had a restful and enjoyable break. We are now two weeks back into the Spring term and immersed into learning.
Reception and Key Stage One performed four showings of their nativity performance at the end of last term. Three to parents, grandparents and the like, and a dress rehearsal to the rest of the school. We also had special visitors from Little Explorers' Nursery who enjoyed watching the performance, and even joined in with some of the dancing as they watched. Well done to all for some lovely singing and dancing in your retelling of the Nativity story.
Well done also to our brilliant school choir who took part in a festive performance at West Monkton School, alongside the other mainstream primaries in the Trust. We are keen to continue growing our school choir and encourage as many children to join as possible. The opportunity to sing together as well as to perform to an audience is very rewarding for many. Perhaps your child might consider joining when the club restarts after the half-term break?
Our school-run clubs are now up and running for the Spring term. Tag rugby, knitting, fine arts, Just Dance, Board games, wellbeing, football and origami! It's quite a list. We are pleased to be able to offer a range of clubs at Blackbrook, and will continue to find ways to run as many as possible for as many children as possible. We try to accommodate as many children as we can.
School Uniform
We continue to be proud of our school, our pupils and the way they present themselves. Thank you for supporting your child's adherence to the school uniform policy. We are gently reminding parents as some deviations from the policy occur. For more information about the agreed expectations for pupil's uniform, please click here.
Diary Dates
Friday 31st January - Break the Rules Day - Information to follow (Friends of Blackbrook School)
Friday 7th February - School Disco - Information to follow (Friends of Blackbrook School)