School Uniform
To inform us of a temporary change to your child's uniform, please complete the form below.
At Blackbrook School, we believe that a school uniform plays a vital role in fostering a sense of community, equality, and pride amongst our pupils. By wearing a uniform, our pupils are united in a shared identity that promotes school spirit and a sense of belonging. Uniforms help minimise distractions, allowing pupils to focus more on their education and less on their attire.
Clear guidelines for our school uniform ensure consistency and fairness, eliminating confusion and fostering a positive learning environment. By adhering to these guidelines, we ensure that every pupil is dressed appropriately and comfortably, ready to engage fully in their educational journey. Our full uniform policy, available on the Policies page, reflects our commitment to creating a respectful and inclusive atmosphere where every child can thrive.
We recognise that for a small number of pupils, adaptations are appropriate in order to enable them to access education. In considering our expectations, we have aspired to be inclusive with this in mind. Any deviations from the policy must have prior agreement with school leaders, who will consider these with SENDCo involvement. Parents are requested to complete the form at the top of this page to let us know about a temporary change, e.g. a pupil wearing alternative shoes for a short period whilst damaged/lost shoes are replaced.
Our School Uniform

School Uniform Expectations
Permitted Uniform Items | Notes |
Grey or Black Skirt | These must not be pencil style or tight-fitting. The hem must be around knee-length. |
Grey or Black Trousers | These must be in traditional uniform style (tailored). Jogging/sports bottoms are not permitted. Black or grey ankle-length socks must be worn with trousers. |
Grey or Black Pinafore | |
Pale Blue Polo Shirt | School logo optional. White or other colours of polo shirt are not permitted. |
Red Sweatshirt | School logo preferred, but optional. |
Red Cardigan | School logo preferred, but optional. |
Socks | Plain white, black or grey. Patterned socks are not permitted. |
Tights | Plain white, black or grey. |
Red and White Gingham Dress or Play Suit | During the summer months, in warmer weather. |
Smart Shorts | Grey or black (tailored). |
Footwear | Black, low-heeled sensible shoes. Open-toed sandals, boots and loose-fitting shoes are not permitted. Plain black trainers are permitted from September 2024 - see below. |
Jewellery | Jewellery may not be worn for safety reasons, with the exception of small studs for pupils with pierced ears. Hoops or other forms are not permitted. Pupils are encouraged to not wear studs on PE days and should be able to remove these independently otherwise. |
Hair | Should be smart in appearance. Coloured, patterned or extreme hairstyles are not allowed. Pupils with longer than shoulder-length hair are required to have this tied up whilst in school. Large bows are not permitted. |
Watches | Ordinary or 'smart' watches may be worn, but must be removed for P.E. lessons for safety reasons. Smart watches with video-recording capabilities are not permitted. Smart watches should remain in 'school mode' if possible, and pupils are only permitted to use basic watch functionality whilst these are worn in school. |
Make-up | Make-up, including coloured nail varnish, is not permitted. Save it for the disco / break the rules day! (though pupils are expected to adhere to the uniform policy on the next school day). |
Plain Black Trainers
From September 2024, we are adapting the footwear expectations of our school uniform to become more inclusive, as well as for safety and practical reasons. We recognise that primary school involves a lot of active play, running around, and physical activities, and we want to ensure our pupils are both comfortable and safe during their school day.
However, to maintain a neat and cohesive appearance, we have established clear guidelines on the types of trainers that are acceptable. Details on these specific requirements are noted below. It is important that all trainers adhere to these guidelines to ensure consistency and to uphold the standards of our school uniform. Traditional school shoes are still permitted.
If worn, trainers must:
- be entirely black
- not have a white or coloured sole or decoration
Permitted - Examples | Not Permitted - Examples |
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P.E. Kit
P.E. Kit must be worn on days that P.E. is taught in the majority of classes. In some younger classes, including Reception, pupils are required to keep their P.E. kit in school to support self-dressing skills. Class teachers will communicate whether this is required in other classes. Where P.E. kits are brought into school, this should be in a small, draw-string style bag.
P.E. Kit Item | Notes |
Shorts / Skorts | Loose-fitting and plain black with no detailing, or traditional black shadow stripe. |
Tracksuit / Jogging Bottoms | Plain black with no detailing. |
Red T-Shirt | School logo optional. |
Red Hooded Jumper | Optional item. A plain hooded jumper may be worn instead, if desired. A branded red hooded jumper is available from the school uniform shop with the school logo. This may not be worn in place of a jumper or cardigan for day-to-day wear. |
Support with School Uniform
The overwhelming majority of our pupils come in the correct uniform every day. We recognise that there are occasions when something has happened that means the pupils cannot come in full uniform (for a short, time limited period). In this event, parents must contact school by telephone, email, letter or in person to explain the circumstances. The easiest way is to complete this quick online form. School staff will always be considerate and discussions will remain confidential. We encourage discussion with school at the earliest opportunity if there are any difficulties. Parents will receive a standard email if there are breaches of the uniform policy. We will work with you to find a resolution. Please speak with your child's class teacher, in the first instance, if you are concerned about this. Pupils will be asked to remove elaborate hair accessories or jewellery and put them in their bag for safekeeping.
Where to Purchase School Uniform
School uniform items, emblazoned with the school logo, can be obtained from the two suppliers below.
Please note that South West Schoolwear may still be selling items with the old and new logo. Please ensure, if purchasing new, to select the new uniform.
The Friends of Blackbrook PTA also sell high quality second-hand uniform on Facebook. N.B. Pupils joining the school from September 2024 are required to wear uniform featuring the new school logo (shield) in place of older versions.