Home Page


Your parents will be able to find our Anti-Bullying Policy under Key Information - click here.


You are encouraged to talk to staff when you are unhappy or have concerns.


You are encouraged to report bullying to:

 A trusted adult

 Class teacher/TA

 Wellbeing Mentors or buddies 


Each class has a ‘worry box’ where you can report your concerns if you do not feel confident speaking to an adult. These are checked weekly by our Wellbeing Mentors and Pastoral Support Assistant.


The boxes and posters with information on how to stay safe have a rainbow on so we ask you all to 'follow the rainbow'. 


On a regular basis, you will be given opportunities to feedback on how safe and happy you feel at school, we do this through learning review weeks, PASS surveys and pupil reports.

Welcome back to the new academic year.